
Over the past 13 years, our organization has had the privilege of living and working in the beautiful continent of Africa, specifically in Kenya. Throughout our time in this region, we have had the remarkable opportunity to witness the positive impact that planting churches can have on local communities. From the dusty plains of rural Kenya to bustling cities, we have observed firsthand the immense need for spiritual guidance and support. It has been an incredible journey of discovery and growth, and we are deeply grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people we encounter. Despite the challenges we have faced, the work we do has truly been rewarding and fulfilling, and we remain passionate about continuing to serve and support those in need in Africa.

Poverty is a terrible thing that can cause people to suffer in many ways. Unfortunately, those suffering from poverty often experience a range of negative effects such as hunger, lack of proper clothing, abuse, and even homelessness. What is even more devastating is the fact that many of these people have little or no knowledge of Jesus Christ, who is the Saviour of the world. It is not enough to just help people physically, we must also strive to help them spiritually by sharing the gospel with them. As Christians, it is our duty to reach out to those who are in need and share the hope and love of Jesus Christ with them. By doing so, we can truly make a difference in their lives, both here on earth and in eternity.

We firmly believe that helping the less fortunate in Africa is not just about providing physical assistance. It is also essential to tend to the spiritual needs and well-being of these individuals. Thus, our mission to rescue and provide a home for each child will include an emphasis on connecting them with the Church. This is because we believe in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who boldly proclaimed that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church.

There are a great number of children and underprivileged women in need of our assistance. And while our church plants in Africa will provide a crucial place for cultivating and guiding these young lives, we recognize that these children also require basic necessities like food, clothing, education, and shelter. By addressing both their physical and spiritual needs, we can give these precious individuals the tools and support they need to realize their full potential.

In the year 2010, Josh and Kelsey Lawrence embarked on a journey to the beautiful nation of Kenya with a noble mission. Their objective was to establish a church branch known as Calvary Chapel Eldoret, Kenya. Since its inception, the church has been a beacon of hope in the community, transforming and renewing the lives of countless people who were once lost and hopeless. In fact, the impact of the church has been so phenomenal that it has grown to become a towering pillar of light in the community. As followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we should all have our hearts broken for the things that break his heart. But seeing the great impact that Calvary Chapel Eldoret has had in Kenya should inspire us all to do our part in spreading love, hope and light to those around us.

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”

James 1:27

“Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.”

Proverbs 14:31

As an organization, we are committed to providing support to those in need. Our services extend far beyond physical assistance and provide hope in the form of the gospel message and discipleship. Our focus is on fulfilling the Great Commission and spreading the word of God to all those we encounter. We understand that true healing and transformation can only come through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, we take great care to not only meet the physical needs of those we serve but also to share the message of hope and salvation. Our goal is to provide a holistic approach to helping individuals and communities overcome the challenges they face in life. With a deep conviction to serve others, we stand ready to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. 

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