We praise the Lord for the joy and privilege of receiving two children for our Hope Homes Project. Jayden (4 years) and Maya (8 months) were moved from the Eldoret Children’s Rescue Centre and placed with the Mudave family on 5th July.
Jayden was found alone on the streets of Eldoret town when he was just 1 year old. He was then taken to the Rescue Centre where he has lived for the past 3 years. Nothing is known about his parents or any relatives and he’s therefore regarded as abandoned.
Maya was rescued from her mother when she was about 1 or 2 months old. Medics at the Eldoret district hospital observed that her mother, who lived on the streets, was mentally unstable and unable to care for her, so they took Maya to the Rescue Centre.
Jayden is a playful yet timid little boy who generally healthy, except from dental issues and slight anemia for which he is receiving supplements. Maya, on the other hand, had some serious medical challenges including pneumonia, a blood infection and serious anemia. She was admitted to hospital soon after we received her where she received aggressive treatment including a blood transfusion. We’re thankful for all your prayers as she continues to recover at home.
Both children are adjusting well so far. We look forward to seeing their unique personalities shine through as they get more comfortable at home. The Mudave children are excited to have new children living with them as are Nancy and Franco. Jayden and Maya are not yet used to physical affection but we pray that they will learn to receive the love that the Lord, through the Mudave’s, wants to shower on them.
Please continue pray for Frank and Nancy to have the grace and wisdom to love and raise Jayden and Maya along with their children in the Lord.
A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families…
Psalms 68:5-6.